Thursday, September 24, 2009

Italian War of 1542–1546 : Main page Featured Article

Today, it is September 25, 2009. It has again happened that the featured article has attracted my attention. I have not got the chance to open the Wikipedia for any purpose as the erratic electricity supply does not allow you enough time to spend on the computer and exploring net becomes a far cry for that. However, it is evening in India, an hopefully, the electricity will continue for couple of hours.

My interest is in Renaissance period. I am actually infatuated by this period of European history. It is the reading of this period, which has fixed my faith in the subject which I teach for my living. Renaissance as a cultural revolution had taken place when there was political instability. It is something which is opposite to established view that the cultural renaissance take place when there is political stability. Secondly, it was the reading of Hayes that raised my faith in the reading of history. Therefore, whenever I come across anything related to Renaissance period or any part of High Middle Ages or the Early Modern Age, as it is being now identified, I get attracted towards it. My interest is generally about 19th century, the age of Historians as Lyall would love to call it. It is not by the calendar reading that the history is generally studied. It is just a norm to study history after periodization. I should say that I am generally interested in anything between 1710 to 1910. For me, that is the nineteen century, the age of historians. The 1710, the age of Enlightenment, the age of Plutarch, just make you to look behind further and you are interested in Middle Ages.

Anyhow, it is Renaissance, the cultural revolution interest which made me to hurriedly go through the article. The main interest is that I have tried to read, with the constraint of not knowing European languages except English, anything about renaissance. One of the feature of Renaissance was the political instability. When you read about renaissance, every feature of it is found clubbed at a place in a book, but the books which I have read, there is reference to political fluid nature but the wars are not discussed as such. Therefore, here, were I read that there was a war between 1542 to 1546, the obvious thing was to get the peep into the whole article. It was a hurried reading. I found that it was not the only war but it had been preceded by another Italian war. Secondly, the references there were from titles which carried the term 'Renaissance'. However, the writers have used a specific set of sources only and one name repeats again and again.

In discussion section, there is a debate. It is for the first time I have observed that the debate remains among the people who want to discuss. The debate is short though under one heading there is a long dialogue. Secondly is among the best written article by the Wikipedia community as stated there.

I have yet to read it and read it with my approach of getting into every interlink. I needed an article wherein in wars during Renaissance period are discussed. I believe and hope, now I have one of it.

I will further add to it.

Link Structure:
One thing more I have identified in this case. It is the first url on Wikipedia which has a number in it.

The link is given below.

Italian War of 1542–1546 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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