Friday, September 25, 2009

Dance and Dancers in Ancient Egypt - Flip to Selection

Dances and Dancers in Ancient Egypt seems to have many 'firsts' to it.

It has a different formatting.

It is a long article but does not have a single interlink.

There are references but all of them are from online digital sources. There is a book in reference and even that has a link on

There is no discussion at present.

It is a recent article which started on July 17, 2009. It is a long article but very few edits. It is started by editor N.said which does not have given any biodata about himself.

The article has only one category and that is Ancient Egyptian Culture.

The opening paragraph is very nicely written and shows that it is original writing written by a person who has good understanding of the topic from historic perspective.However, the rest of the detail is not all that impressive. It lacks the quality because there are very less number of references and quotes. Secondly, interlinks are not there.

On the whole, I have found it a unique article.

This link is as follows:
Dance and Dancers in Ancient Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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